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OpenCloud 2.0.0 offers enterprise services, support and “File Native Backup”

27.03.2025, 11:22aktualizacja: 27.03.2025, 11:32

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Berlin, Germany, March 27, 2025 – Following the successful release of OpenCloud 1.0 in February 2025, OpenCloud now launches its commercial offering including various enterprise service packages for its new solution for file management, file sharing and collaboration. OpenCloud 2.0.0 provides users with long-term software support, fast security updates, checks during update rollouts, high-availability solutions and personal support. OpenCloud can be run in in-house data centers or through selected partners.

New feature for easy backup of large data volumes

Version 2.0.0 also brings a new feature. “File Native Backup” makes it easy to back up data of any volume and includes a powerful full-text search. Unlike database-supported solutions, OpenCloud only requires a simple backup of the file system via a snapshot or file copy for a full, consistent backup. This means lower operating expenses, less risks of failure and process disruption, significant time saving, easier data backup and restoration processes as well as higher reliability and scalability.

Migration tools available from Q2/2025

In the second quarter of 2025, OpenCloud will provide users with a range of tools in addition to comprehensive consulting and technical assistance by the OpenCloud support team to make migrating to its platform easy - even for organizations that still rely on older PHP-based solutions.

About OpenCloud and the Heinlein Gruppe

OpenCloud is a powerful open-source solution for file management, file sharing and content collaboration

Together with OpenTalk and, OpenCloud is one of the three pillars of Heinlein Gruppe, which provides secure and digitally sovereign IT infrastructures throughout Europe, since over 30 years.

More information:

- Picture is available at AP-

Schwartz Public Relations
Lara Neidhart
tel: +49 (0)89 211 871 – 64

OpenCloud GmbH
Ivonne Heinlein
tel. +49 30 40 50 51 – 48

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Data publikacji 27.03.2025, 11:22
Źródło informacji APA-OTS
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