
Polityka i społeczeństwo

Experts on sustainable and livable cities. New Master's course: Smart City Solutions

27.11.2017, 17:05aktualizacja: 27.11.2017, 17:05

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In Winter Semester 2018/19, HFT Stuttgart in Germany is launching its new English-language Master’s course 'Smart City Solutions', in its interdisciplinary approach unique in the world. In an international environment, students acquire comprehensive skills in the fields of smart city planning and buildings, smart infrastructure and project management, as well as financing, digitalization and smart governance.

More and more people around the world moves to the conurbations in search of work, prosperity and a better standard of living. One result is urban sprawl - the unchecked expansion of city boundaries coupled with significant increase of people mobility. Cities around the world suffers from noise pollution, congestion, gridlock, harmful air pollution. Huge investment is required in social and technical infrastructure to take people in the direction of a livable urban future.

This is the point of departure for the smart city approach of the new Master's course, based on the realization that subject-specific competencies in the areas of transport, energy, urban development, administration, which have until now been rather poorly connected, will only meet the complex requirements of the livable, future-oriented city if there is a close interaction between these fields in future.

The HFT Stuttgart has been making significant contributions to a sustainable world for many years now, with courses that focus on energy, mobility and climate-friendly construction. "Based on this experience, we offer the opportunity to study these global, city-related topics in more depth in a new Master’s course", Professor Roland Dieterle, Academic Dean. An additional MBA-option from the John Moores University Liverpool, UK is also available.

Due to the globally increasing demand for smart city expertise graduates are expected to be given excellent career opportunities in public administration and private sector.


prof. Roland Dieterle

tel. +4971189262679


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Data publikacji 27.11.2017, 17:05
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