
Zdrowie i styl życia

2016: Nearly 15 million bednights for Vienna

25.01.2017, 10:09aktualizacja: 25.01.2017, 10:09

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Vienna establishes 7th record in succession with 14.96 million visitor bednights in 2016.

With 14,962,000 visitor bednights in 2016, Vienna topped its previous best result from 2015 by 4.4%. A total of 6,884,000 arrivals were recorded, an increase of 4.5%. With an accommodation capacity of around 66,000 hotel beds, Vienna’s average room occupan-cy increased to around 74% (2015: 72%). Based on 2015’s above-average growth, the net room revenues of accommodation establishments in 2016 were roughly equivalent to those of the previous year, totaling 663.4 million euros for January thru’ November 2016, the period already evaluated (-0.3%).

“About 80% of visitor bednights in Vienna are attributable to international visitors. We are working to ensure continued internationalization, win airlines for Vienna, and achieve sustainable growth under the umbrella of the Tourism Strategy Vienna 2020 and its theme of 'Global.Smart.Premium',” explains Director of Tourism Norbert Kettner. With more than 3,500 conventions and corporate events a year, Vienna is one of the world's leading meeting destinations, as well as continually receiving awards for its outstanding quality of life.

In 2016 Vienna recorded a particularly strong influx of visitors from Germany (2,972,000 bednights, +7%), Austria (2,823,000, +8%), the USA (831,000, -1%), Italy (736,000, -2%), the United Kingdom (694,000, +18%), Spain (476,000, +9%), Switzerland (439,000, +1%), France (401,000, +8%), Russia (334,000, -18%) or China (329,000, +15%). “Vienna provides the experiences of a metropolis without the stress factors of a metropolis. Our declared goal is to convince the traveling public of Vienna's wide selec-tion of premium offerings," concludes Kettner.

Photos available at:

Further information:

Vienna Tourist Board

Isabella Rauter

phone +43/1/211 14-301


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Data publikacji 25.01.2017, 10:09
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