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RALEIGH, N.C., Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The modern workplace is at a crossroads. Rising employee stress, escalating political tensions, and increasing performance pressure are reshaping organizations worldwide. The global industry leader in employee engagement and empowerment, Workplace Options, and the WPO Centre for Organizational Effectiveness, released its annual Psychological Safety Study. The study’s results reveal how employees, across 18 countries, are struggling in ways that, if left unaddressed, could define the future of work for generations to come.
“Company leaders and people managers face an urgent question: Will they create a psychologically safe and engaged workforce, or will they perpetuate a culture of stress and instability,” said Alan King, President and CEO, Workplace Options (WPO). “Psychological safety - the belief that employees can express themselves without fear of negative consequences -is no longer just a workplace perk. It is a business necessity.”
Psychological Safety: A Global Imperative
The WPO Centre for Organizational Effectiveness Psychological Safety Study shows that stress, conflict, and performance struggles dominate workplace concerns worldwide.
Key findings include:
- workplace stress ranks as the top concern in nearly every country studied,
- conflict at work is a widespread issue, particularly in China, France, and Japan,
- performance pressure is rising globally, with employees citing struggles to meet expectations,
- young adults are experiencing burnout - raising alarms about the future of workforce wellbeing.
“Our study is a wake-up call. If organizations do not prioritize psychological safety now, the next generation will enter a workforce defined by stress, conflict, and disengagement,” said Dr. Kennette Thigpen Harris, LCSW. “Millennials have entered decision-making roles, the opportunity to build a workplace culture defined by trust, respect, collaboration, and wellbeing has never been more urgent.”
What Makes This Study Different?
Unlike surveys, The WPO Centre for Organizational Effectiveness Psychological Safety Study is based on real, anonymized conversations between employees and clinicians. This human-centered approach uncovers the raw emotions, fears, and challenges employees are feeling - providing business leaders with real insights to drive meaningful change.
Why This Matters for Businesses
Organizations that fail to address psychological safety often experience:
- higher turnover rates as employees seek workplaces that prioritize their mental health and wellbeing,
- declining productivity due to unresolved workplace conflicts and stress,
- a disengaged workforce, where employees feel unheard and unsupported.
A Call to Action for Leaders
The findings from Workplace Options’ Psychological Safety Study serve as a critical blueprint for leaders navigating today’s global workplace challenges.
A Global Comparison of Workplace Issues
This study offers comprehensive insights from 18 countries, using human-centered perspectives and data.
About The WPO Centre for Organizational Effectiveness
The WPO Centre for Organizational Effectiveness provides data-driven consultation, leadership training, and global benchmarking on psychological safety and psychosocial risk management. Our experts work with companies worldwide to integrate workforce well-being, inclusive leadership, and organizational resilience strategies into actionable business plans.
About Workplace Options:
Founded in 1982, Workplace Options (WPO) is the largest independent provider of holistic well-being solutions. Through customized programs, and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals, WPO supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive both personally and professionally. Trusted by 50 percent of Fortune 500 companies, WPO delivers high-quality care digitally and in-person to more than 88 million people across 127,000 organizations in more than 200 countries and territories.
For more information or to request an interview, contact:
Jennifer Dart, Senior Corporate Communications Manager
Source: Globenewswire
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Zdjęcia i materiały graficzne do bezpłatnego wykorzystania wyłącznie z treścią niniejszej informacji
Data publikacji | 28.02.2025, 12:33 |
Źródło informacji | Globenewswire |
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