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Yanfeng Automotive Interiors brings surface sensitivity to the interiors of future vehicles

14.09.2017, 10:55aktualizacja: 14.09.2017, 10:55

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More functionality, emotion and freedom of design in interiors

FRANKFURT, Germany – 14 September 2017. Yanfeng Automotive Interiors (YFAI), the global leader in automotive interiors, is a pioneer in the development of new materials for vehicle interiors. At the IAA, with the activeSkin concept, the company presents its vision of integrating intuitive controls into vehicle interiors, which blur the boundaries between the digital and analog worlds. This new development concept enables the display of data on soft surfaces. Functional and decorative surfaces in vehicle interiors will increasingly merge in the future.

"The future generation of surface is more intelligent than ever. We can simply move our hands over a fabric-covered surface in the car and an interactive surface or dynamic ambient decorative lighting appears. The surfaces interact with us,” said Han Hendriks, Chief Technology Officer for YFAI. “This is impressive technology.”

activeSkin from YFAI maximizes freedom of design

New levels of design freedom for interiors can be realized with activeSkin. The old design principle "form follows function" will be completely redefined with this new concept development. In the future, car interiors will increasingly have the atmosphere of a Next Living Space, with surfaces which are not only decorative and have a pleasant feel, but are also fully interactive.

"We offer functionality on demand, which is only visible when it is needed. With this, we have the possibility of personalization functions into interior surfaces," said Hendriks. The activeSkin technology enables a freedom on interaction design. The quality and elegance with which the imaging and data transfer is implemented is convincing. "With activeSkin, we can achieve a 3D effect with a surprising sense of depth," explained Hendriks.

What was recently a vision for the future could become part of our mobile reality by 2022.

The detailed press text is available in our Media Center at

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About Yanfeng Automotive Interiors:

Yanfeng Automotive Interiors (YFAI) is the global leader in automotive interiors. YFAI is redefining how people relax, work and play in their vehicle interiors today and decades from now. Headquartered in Shanghai, the company has approximately 110 manufacturing plants and technical centers in 20 countries and more than 33,000 employees globally. They design, develop and manufacture interior components for all automakers. Established in 2015, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors is a joint venture between Yanfeng, one of the largest automotive suppliers in China and Adient, the global leader in automotive seating. For more information, please visit

For more information please contact:

Yanfeng Automotive Interiors

Jagenbergstraße 1

41468 Neuss


Astrid Schafmeister

phone +49 2131 609-3028



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Data publikacji 14.09.2017, 10:55
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