
Autostadt completes successful year in 2017 with a record number of visitors in a single month

18.01.2018, 12:15aktualizacja: 18.01.2018, 12:15

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- 2.22 million visitors in 2017, December sets new visitor record since opening in 2000
<p>- 142,770 vehicle deliveries in 2017
<p>- Summer and winter programmes attract enthusiastic visitors in the hundreds of thousands
<p>- UNESCO presents award for Autostadt educational curriculum

Wolfsburg, 18 January 2018 - For the first time in Autostadt history, the Volkswagen Group communication platform attracted more than 400,000 visitors in a single month. According to Autostadt CEO Roland Clement: "The end of the year with 405,000 guests in December alone was a great success and a fantastic end to a successful year for the Autostadt." Together with Claudius Colsman, the former Porsche manager took over the Autostadt in September 2017 from Otto F. Wachs. In total, 2.22 million guests visited the theme park in 2017, slightly exceeding the previous year's figure of 2.2 million. The Autostadt reconfirmed its position as the leading automotive destination in 2017 with 142,770 vehicles delivered to customers. The total market share of all Volkswagen cars delivered to customers in Germany in 2017 remained stable at 24.9 %.

The big seasonal events, Cirque Nouveau in summer and Winter Wonderland, have become permanent fixtures for many visitors. In its second year, the summer festival attracted 340,000 visitors. This winter, more than 490,000 people visited the Autostadt (from 1 December to 7 January). Along with the summer and winter events, the Movimentos Festival presented by the Autostadt was nearly sold out (94% occupancy rate). The educational programmes reached more than 500,000 participants for the first time. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research, together with the German UNESCO Commission, presented awards for the Autostadt educational programmes.

According to Autostadt CEO, Roland Clement: "Here in the Autostadt Claudius Colsman and I have taken on one of the most exciting tasks in the Volkswagen Group. We would like to express our thanks to Otto F. Wachs, who developed this place into the world's leading automotive platform. Together with a highly motivated team, we now have the opportunity to take the Autostadt to the next phase in order to strengthen the presentation of current and future themes to our guests at this unique location."

Details on highlights in 2017 at


Autostadt Press Department

phone: +49(0)5361-40-1444


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Data publikacji 18.01.2018, 12:15
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