
CYFROWY POLSAT SA Pledge over assets carrying significant value

29.05.2014, 20:07aktualizacja: 29.05.2014, 20:07

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Current report No: 53/2014

Pledge over assets carrying significant value

The Management Board of CyfrowyPolsat S.A.(the "Company") hereby announces that on 29 May 2014 a Deed of Shares Pledge and Charge was concluded with UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch, based on which the Company established a pledge (governed by Cypriot law) over 2,212,235 shares of its subsidiary Metelem Holding Company Limited ("Metelem"), with the total nominal value of EUR 2,212,325 (i.e. approx. PLN 9,155,707.01at the average exchange rate of the Polish National Bank as at 29 May 2014), in favour of UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch, acting as security agent.

The establishment of the pledge over Metelemshares was a subsequent action of establishing security interests related to the Senior Facilities Agreement concluded by the Company on 11 April 2014, which was reported by the Company in the current report No. 26/2014 of 11 April 2014.

The Company holds 100% shares in Metelem,carrying 100% voting rights at the Shareholders' Meeting of Metelem. The pledged shares constitute 100% of the share capital of Metelem. The shares in Metelem are held by the Company as a long-term capital investment. The total book value of the pledged shares in the Company's accounts amounts to PLN 6,841,327,900.60.

There are no links between the Company, thepersons managing or supervising the Company and UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch as well as persons managing UniCredit Bank AG, London Branch.

The pledged shares in Metelem are deemed toconstitute assets carrying a significant value since their aggregate value exceeds 10% of the revenues of the Company's capital group for the last four financial quarters.

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Data publikacji 29.05.2014, 20:07
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