
ORLEN SA (49/2024) Pan Marcin Wasilewski został powołany do Zarządu ORLEN S.A.

25.09.2024, 18:34aktualizacja: 25.09.2024, 18:35

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Raport bieżący 49/2024

Mr Marcin Wasilewski appointed to the ORLEN S.A. Management BoardRegulatory announcement no 49/2024 dated 25 September 2024ORLEN S.A. ("Company") announces that on 25 September 2024 the Company's Supervisory Board appointed Mr Marcin Wasilewski to the Company's Management Board with effect on the start of the day of 1 January 2025 for the position of Member of the Management Board, Technology for the common term of office, which ends on the date of the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting that will approve the Company's financial statement for 2025.Mr Marcin Wasilewski Manager for many years associated with heavy industry and energy transition. From 2022 he serves as CEO of InnoEnergy Poland and as a member of the Executive Board of EIT InnoEnergy SE in the Netherlands (headquarters). InnoEnergy has a portfolio of more than 180 companies in Europe in the area of green transformation. From 2018 to 2022, he served as Vice President at ABB Poland, where he managed the power and heavy industry sectors in Poland, Czechia and Hungary. He was responsible for sales, project execution and industrial automation service.From 2006 to 2018, he was associated with ORLEN. He served as chairman of the Anwil Supervisory Board and president of Baltic Power (later chairman of the Supervisory Board), and was a member of the Supervisory Board of ORLEN Lietuva and several other companies from ORLEN Group. During years of work, he co-created the ORLEN Group's energy strategy and built the energy segment. He was responsible for the preparation, implementation and settlement of the contract for CCGT units in Włocławek and Płock. Carried out a comprehensive investment program to adapt ORLEN Group's power generation assets to environmental requirements under EU directives (IED Directive). Launched wholesale and retail electricity trading, a program to build a network of chargers for e-mobility, and obtained an off-shore license for Baltic Power. In the period before the construction of the power industry, he was responsible, among other things, for the integration of AB Mazeikiu Nafta (now ORLEN Lietuva) and the implementation of segment management, which is the foundation of the current ORLEN Group management model. Since 2018, he has been a member of the Polish Committee of the World Energy Council.He is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University, University of Bradford (MBA), Warsaw University of Technology (postgraduate studies, Gas Turbines) and Harvard University (GMP).Mr Marcin Wasilewski submitted written statement that he is going to resign from the position of CEO of InnoEnergy Poland, which is competitive with ORLEN, the resignation will come into force on 31 December 2024 the latest. Moreover he declared that he holds the shares in Green-en Sp. z o.o., partially competitive with ORLEN, which deals with bio-methane projects. He also declared that he is not and will not be involved in any other activity competitive with ORLEN and is not and will not be partner of any other competitive civil law partnerships, partnerships, capital companies, will not be member of any boards of a competitive capital companies. He also stated that he is not on the list of insolvent debtors kept on record on the National Court Register Act.

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Data publikacji 25.09.2024, 18:34
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