
SOPHARMA AD (211/2023) Notification for buy-back treasury shares

08.12.2023, 17:09aktualizacja: 08.12.2023, 17:10

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Report no 211/2023

Podstawa prawna: art. 56. 1. 2 of Act on Public Offering.

Sofia, Bulgaria, December 8, 2023 - Pursuant to the requirements of Art. 100t of the Law on Public Offering of Securities, "Sopharma" AD (SFA: BSE AD, SPH: Warsaw Stock Exchange) announces that on the basis of Art. 187b of the Commercial Law and Art. 111, para. 5 and para. 6 of the Law on Public Offering of Securities and in connection with the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company, held on 4 August 2023, and the decision of the Board of Directors of the company from 8 December 2023, "Sopharma" AD notifies that the company intends to buy back treasury shares within the limit according to Art. 111, para. 5 of the Law on Public Offering of Securities, as follows:

- Number of shares subject to redemption - 150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand) shares;

- Buy-back price - BGN 6.10 for one share of the company's capital;

- Purchase date: 11 December 2023;

- Licensed investment intermediary to whom the purchase order was given - "First Financial Brokerage House" AD

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Data publikacji 08.12.2023, 17:09
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