
CIVIS Media Prize 2022 | 23 productions nominated, 5 podcasts for public voting

29.03.2022, 11:30aktualizacja: 29.03.2022, 11:30

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29.03.2022 Cologne (ots) | CIVIS Media Prize 2022 – 23 nominees for Europe's most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity have been shortlisted. The productions, diverse in style and approach, deal with highly topical issues such as flight, labour migration, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Ziganism, homeland and identity.

Candidates for the CIVIS Media Prize include, among others, entries from Amazon Prime Video, ARTE, BR, BROADVIEW, Cocktailfilms, Constantin Film, Deutschlandradio, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Giganten Film Produktions, Golden Girls Film, if… Productions, JSA Berlin, KiKA, K2H, Magneto, NDR, ORF, phoenix, rbb, RYMEcast, SFR, Spotify, Studio Bummens, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tondowski Films, Turbokultur, SWR, WDR, Zweidrittel FM and ZDF.

Close to 800 productions from television, radio and the Internet were submitted for the CIVIS Competition 2022. They came from 20 EU states and Switzerland.

The complete list of nominees can be found here as well as in the press section of the CIVIS Media Foundation website. 

The recording of the CIVIS Media Prize 2022 at WDR in Cologne is planned for Friday, 3 June 2022 and will be broadcast directly via livestream. The CIVIS Prize award ceremony can subsequently be accessed in the ARD Media Library from 5 June 2022. ARD/Das Erste will broadcast the ceremony on Monday, 6 June 2022, at 11:35 pm. 

Anna Dushime will host the award ceremony.

The CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe is sub-divided into the AUDIO AWARD, VIDEO AWARD, YOUNG C. AWARD and CINEMA AWARD. The TOP AWARD, which comes with prize money of 15,000 EUR, will be selected among all the winners. 

From today until 3 April, the public will vote online at to pick the winner among five podcasts (German language) nominated by the jury of the CIVIS Media Prize. Attractive prizes will be drawn among those taking part in the voting.

The CIVIS CINEMA AWARD 2022 once again honours a European feature film that has been shown in German cinemas. Online voting for the CINEMA AWARD will take place from 26 April - 1 May 2022. Again, prizes will be raffled among the participants. As in the podcast category, the public vote will decide which of the shortlisted feature films will receive the CINEMA AWARD.

The CIVIS Media Prize is organised by the Association of Public Broadcasting Corporations in the Federal Republic of Germany (ARD), represented by WDR, together with the Freudenberg Foundation. ORF, SRG SSR, ARTE, 3sat, phoenix, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandradio and EBU are media partners. The German Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, WDR mediagroup, the German Producers Alliance - Film & Television, VFF - Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) are cooperation partners.

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CIVIS Medienstiftung
für Integration und kulturelle Vielfalt in Europa
Ferdos Forudastan
phone +49 (0)221 277 5870

Source: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 29.03.2022, 11:30
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