
Nauka i technologie

A revolutionary Stroke Therapy based on Brain-Computer Interface and Neurotechnology

25.05.2016, 12:05aktualizacja: 25.05.2016, 12:05

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Mrs. Savin suddenly suffered a stroke. It came without warning, and left her right arm completely paralyzed. After participating in recoveriX-therapy, she was soon able to move her right arm again. recoveriX uses state-of-the-art neurotechnology that leads to success even in the case of chronic disorders.

We had the chance to talk with Mrs. Savin after she had completed recoveriX therapy. Watch the interview:

Stroke - A Widespread Disease

Every year, around 15 million people suffer a stroke. About one third of these people don’t survive. Another third suffer ongoing physical impairment. And sometimes people remain paralyzed. recoveriX re-connects brain and body. Also, when standard therapy can no longer yield any further benefit, recoveriX provides a second chance for improvement.

The Power of the Mind

A stroke might inhibit the ability to move, but not the ability to imagine movement! During recoveriX therapy, patients imagine a hand or a foot movement. A Brain-Computer Interface measures their brain activity. Virtual Reality shows the movement on the screen, which generates visual feedback in real-time. At the same time, imagined movement becomes a real movement through stimulation of the affected muscles. reocoveriX activates mirror neurons that help the brain find new ways to perform independent movement again.

Dr. Christoph Guger: "recoveriX couples cognitive processes with movements, and this is what makes rehabilitation effective. In one case, we had a patient whose arm had been paralyzed for 4 years. After only 10 recoveriX sessions, this patient could move again."

recoveriX gym

recoveriX therapy is done at one of the recoveriX-gyms in Schiedlberg (Austria), in Albany (NY, USA) or Barcelona (Spain). Get more information via +43-7251-222-40-18 or



Armin Schnürer

g.tec medical engineering GmbH

phone +43-7251-22240-18


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Data publikacji 25.05.2016, 12:05
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