
The Economic Forum 2020, Karpacz, 8th - 10th September 2020

07.09.2020, 13:24aktualizacja: 07.09.2020, 13:24

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“Europe After the Pandemic: Solidarity, Liberty, Community?”

For almost 30 years, the Economic Forum has been a great meeting venue for politicians and business people. Recent months have shown that even the most advanced remote communication tools will not replace direct interpersonal relations. This is why the debates were planned in a traditional formula, and only some of them will be streamed online.

The Forum will discuss political, social and economic challenges facing Central and Eastern Europe.

“We will ponder on how Europe will build its identity, solidarity and freedom post-COVID-19. These are fundamental questions, especially as they will be asked almost exactly 40 years after the birth of the +Solidarity+ movement in Poland. Today, people most affected by the pandemic demand solidarity. This is the time when the message of Poland’s +Solidarity+ should be recalled. If we do not do so, who will do it for us?” - Zygmunt Berdychowski, Chairman of the Economic Forum Programme Council says.

Another topic related to the pandemic is the revaluation of concepts that were previously treated as dogmas. “Chancellor Angela Merkel has just stated that if there are attempts to take over important German companies, her government will prevent this from happening. This announcement is the best symbol of the changes brought by the pandemic” - continues Berdychowski.

For years, the Economic Forum has been a place where the leading representatives of the world of politics and business are sharing their opinions. It will be no different this time. Invitations were accepted by 3 deputy prime ministers and 13 ministers from Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia, parliamentarians and representatives of various political parties. Presidents of the largest private and state-owned companies will attend as well.

Over the 3-day conference, 4 plenary sessions, 200 discussion panels and many national and regional presentations are planned. As in previous years, the awards of the Economic Forum will be presented in the following categories: Man of the Year, Company of the Year, New Culture of New Europe and NGO of Central and Eastern Europe.

The organizers expect about 1,700 guests from Poland and abroad.

Because of COVID-19 perturbation, in the middle of August, the organizers decided to change the location of the conference. The Economic Forum 2020 will take place at Gołębiewski Hotel in Karpacz from 8th to 10th September. “We feel obliged to continue our cooperation in organising such an extremely important event. That’s why we decided to use this ‘pandemic handicap’ as an additional opportunity to promote advantages of our province” - says Witold Kozłowski, Marshall of Małopolska Voivodeship, that has been the Main Partner of the Economic Forum for years.

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Data publikacji 07.09.2020, 13:24
Źródło informacji Instytut Studiów Wschodnich
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