
BNP PARIBAS BANK POLSKA SA Summary of the public offering of theseries O shares of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. - the supplement to current report no. 19/2014 dated 19 May 2014

09.07.2014, 19:37aktualizacja: 09.07.2014, 19:37

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Current report No: 35/2014

The Board of Executives of BNP ParibasBank Polska S.A. (the "Bank"), in order to supplement the current report no. 19/2014 dated 19 May 2014, regarding the summary of the public offering of 5,026,539 series O ordinary bearer shares of the Bank with a nominal value of PLN 45.46 each (the "Series O Shares"), hereby informs that the aggregated costs incurred by the Bank in connection with the offering and issuance of the series O shares as well as introduction of the rights to series O shares (the "Rights to Shares") and series L, M, N and O shares of the Bank to trading amounted to PLN 13,235,409 and included costs (gross, VAT included), of:a) preparing and conducting of the offerings: PLN 1,572,062;b) underwriters' fees:i) Citigroup Global Markets Limited - PLN 5,812,307;ii) BNP Paribas - PLN 0;c) preparing the prospectuses, taking into consideration the cost of advisory services - PLN 5,106,717;d) fees related to introduction of the Rights to Shares and series L, M, N and O shares to trading - PLN 212,807;e) promoting the offerings - PLN 531,516.

The costs of the offering and issuanceof the series O shares have been settled and booked in the Bank's accounts in the following manner:a) direct costs totalled PLN 12,491.1 thousand;b) indirect costs totalled PLN 744.3 thousand.

In the Bank's accounts, the costsrelated to issuance of shares are recognized according to MSR 32.37, i.e. direct costs will be booked into the Bank's equity, and indirect costs will be booked into generic costs.The above costs are recognised in the Bank's financial statements in the same manner as in the Bank's accounts.The average cost of the subscription incurred by the Bank, for one Series O Share, amounted to PLN 2.63.Legal basis: § 33 Para. 1 of the Minister of Finance Ordinance dated 19 February 2009 regarding the current and periodic information disclosed by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 133)

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Data publikacji 09.07.2014, 19:37
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