
emoji company announces Aquisition of Rights

30.01.2017, 15:40aktualizacja: 30.01.2017, 15:40

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The emoji company GmbH announced today that they purchased SABAN BRANDS trademark “emojiville” including all related assets and domain rights.

The emoji company, owner of the registered emoji® trademark and owner of more than 450 trademarks globally has more than 230 active relationships with reputable license partners from all over the world and is primarily focusing on merchandising, promotions and loyalty programs while noumerous global corporations are using the emoji companies‘ icons and characters for their TV commercials as well as for general advertisement campaigns.

Just a week ago the emoji company announced its licensing agreement with Sony Pictures Animation (SPA) which allows Sony Pictures Animation ( SPA ) to use the term “emoji” in connection with SPA’s worldwide merchandising program for SPA's upcoming comedy feature The Emoji Movie, coming to theaters August 11th, 2017.

"The acquisition of the “emojiville”-trademarks was a logical step for us to strengthen and extend our global brand strategy” says Marco Huesges, CEO of the emoji company, and adds: „Based on our various trademarks and IP´s we are proactively developing new brand concepts to address different target audiences and to support our global partners with fresh and powerful marketing concepts”.


emoji Company GmbH

Herr Jose Eiroa Santiago

phone +49(0)2132-6719983


For more information visit: or contact:

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Data publikacji 30.01.2017, 15:40
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