
New Online Portal Strengthens the "Welcoming Culture" for International Talent in Berlin

04.09.2014, 15:02aktualizacja: 04.09.2014, 15:02

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Today, talented young professionals have a myriad of worldwide opportunities at their disposal in terms of where to live and work. In order to highlight Berlin's leading position among global cities competing for the best minds, the German capital has created an online portal aimed directly at professionals and managers from at home and abroad. The goal of the portal is to make it even easier for young talent to get off to a great start in Berlin. It is a joint initiative of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research.

The portal functions as a service partner with regard to living and working in Berlin. It brings together numer-ous job options while also providing tips on how to have a successful start in the capital. This includes every-thing from information on Berlin's labor market, renting an apartment, getting a residency and/or work permit to information on the weather and a practical checklist for moving to the city. In order to give young profes-sionals the best possible overview, the portal is strategically linked to current offerings in the city. For exam-ple, it incorporates job openings taken from Federal Employment Agency. This gives new Berliners access to all the information they'll need via one central platform.

Melanie Bähr, Managing Director of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology: “With this portal, we've created a service that makes it even easier for new talent to move to Berlin. Until now, many companies cre-ated their own elaborately designed programs; now, we are able to provide one central platform. Our additional goal is to be able to answer all those questions that have remained unanswered until now.”

We are also excited about using a social media hub as a tool to encourage interaction. In other words, in addition to providing information, our aim is to establish an online community by means of intensive social media integration. For example, the platform can be used to ask questions and get answers live – either from Berliners who want to share their experiences or from Berlin-based companies using the platform to establish first contact to potential employees. Companies and associations will no doubt appreciate the new platform as additional support for their own efforts.

More information:


Annabell Noll

Head of Public Relations

Mobile +49 1577 3998-123


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Data publikacji 04.09.2014, 15:02
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