
SERINUS ENERGY INC. Information on a release published in the SEDAR system

15.09.2014, 13:57aktualizacja: 15.09.2014, 13:57

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Current report No: 38/2014

Current Report No. 38/2014

Date: 2014-09-15

Issuer's trading name: SERINUS ENERGY INC.

Title: Information on a release published in the SEDAR system

Legal basis: Other regulations

Content:Pursuant to Article 62.8 of the Act of 29 July 2005on Public Offering [...], the Management of SERINUS ENERGY INC. ("Company", "Serinus") informs that in Canada there has been filed with the SEDAR system a release informing that there are now available at Company's website in the Investor Centre Serinus updated full corporate presentation, as well as a shorter version that will be given at the FirstEnergy Global Energy Conference on September 15.

Pursuant to the disclaimer, the documents include and are based, interalia, on forward-looking information and statements that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties.

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Data publikacji 15.09.2014, 13:57
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