
Nauka i technologie

theScreener “Banklets (TM)” for Avaloq Digital Suite

04.10.2017, 11:03aktualizacja: 04.10.2017, 11:03

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The banking software and service provider Avaloq and the research specialist theScreener have concluded a cooperation agreement in the context of the Avaloq Software Exchange. The quantitative analyst will provide so-called "Banklets" for the new Web Banking package of the Zurich-based fintech company, using which the bank will be able to add new functions to its Avaloq System with ease.

The independent Swiss research house theScreener has been a partner of Avaloq Software Exchange since the beginning of 2017. It links providers of innovative solutions for digital banking with financial institutions wishing to offer pioneering services on the basis of Avaloq Front. Avaloq and theScreener have reached a cooperation agreement to make available the Avaloq community innovative research-based solutions. The new "Banklets (TM)" are characterized by extremely simple integration into the Avaloq Digital Suite and its Web Banking. The banks should in this way benefit from a dramatic cut in implementation times for the introduction of their new digital products and services.

By using the theScreener "Banklets (TM)" new functions from the areas investment advice and Portfolio Management will be offered to the user, such as e.g. integration of theScreener ratings in client portfolios and access to comprehensive analyses on their individual positions. These are available for example for the shares for more than 6,000 listed companies globally. The client will thus receive independent assessments on virtually all traded shares and all significant global stock exchanges - including assessments of company strengths, weaknesses and prospects. This service will be complemented by a Portfolio Health Check, which will inform the client not only about the structure of the portfolio, but primarily about potential weak points, offering corresponding courses of action.

Martin Zahner, Software Exchange head at Avaloq, is enthusiastic about the new "Banklets (TM)": "By using the Avaloq Software Exchange we are helping banks to provide an even better service to their clients and external asset managers. The solutions provided by theScreener allow direct access to quantitative analyses for making improved decisions on investments. This results in evident added value to the Avaloq Digital Suite user. We look forward to working with theScreener."

Further information on Avaloq may be found at

Further information on theScreener may be found at

Roland Walter will answer any questions related to this press release.


theScreener Investor Services AG

Zugerbergstrasse 12

CH-6300 Zug


phone +41 41 727 0880


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Data publikacji 04.10.2017, 11:03
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