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“Directions of Reconstruction and Development of Industry in Europe” – such is the leading theme of the 3rd Industry Forum that will take place from 8 to 10 December in Karpacz, Poland. Representatives of Polish and European industry will gather to take part in dozens of debates, plenary sessions, report presentations and thematic blocks.
The Forum will provide an opportunity to broaden the discussion on key European industry issues such as: reindustrialisation, the digital economy, the automotive power revolution, climate policy, energy security, modern and traditional industries, but also everything related to the broadly defined leisure industry, thus, among others, tourism, culture, entertainment.
How to implement the ambitious European climate and energy policy plans? In what way can we strengthen the European industry competitiveness? How to support the national capital and family businesses? What solutions should be used to implement innovations in the industry better? How to use the intellectual potential of Europe, and especially from the countries of so-called New Europe? Over 700 guests will be searching for the answers to this and many others highly important for the European economy questions.
The Industry Forum in Karpacz will be organized for the third time. In 2016, the meeting welcomed nearly 600 guests – representatives of various industry branches such as: energy, construction, mining, motorization, transportation, IT, chemistry, FMCG, pharmacology, environmental protection, tourism, with the representatives of the public administration, local government, science centers, think-thanks, experts and journalists from Poland and abroad. According to Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development and Finance Mateusz Morawiecki, “such meetings are highly significant, as they help us find the most efficient economic development model in Poland.”
The 2016 edition awarded Cedrob SA (“Company of the Industry Forum”) and the Industrial Development Agency (“Institution of the Industry Forum”).
The organizer of the Industry Forum is Institute of Eastern Studies and its host town is Karpacz. The main partner is the Lower Silesian Voivodship.
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Zdjęcia i materiały graficzne do bezpłatnego wykorzystania wyłącznie z treścią niniejszej informacji
Data publikacji | 20.11.2017, 13:35 |
Źródło informacji | Institute for Eastern Studies |
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