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New THOMAS SABO timepieces - Studded look and retro designs as style codes for Spring/Summer 2018

06.12.2017, 10:13aktualizacja: 06.12.2017, 10:13

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Lauf/Pegnitz - THOMAS SABO presents a new generation of timepieces: Rebel at heart Women and Rebel at heart Men are two series that use avant-garde elements to point the way to the style codes for the season.

The design of the six women’s watches incorporates subtle Rock ‘n’ Roll elements: In a reflection of the new feminine power, the rivets on the bezel and crown break with convention, but without skimping on elegance. The specially developed stainless-steel bracelet in the elaborate pyramidal look sets accents. Rebel at heart Women - for the product and the campaign, the name says it all.

The five Rebel at heart Men timepieces are captivating for the balance of their shapes and proportions: the classic structure and the minimalist design in retro style harmonise with a wide variety of fashion styles. With high-quality bracelets in stainless steel or vintage leather, the models in a variety of colours – some with a tone-in-tone look - are all-rounders, with an absolute talent for attention.

From mid-January 2018, the watches can be found in all THOMAS SABO Shops, at and through selected partners.

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THOMAS SABO is one of the globally-leading jewellery and watches companies, designing, selling and distributing lifestyle products for women and men. The company, established in 1984 by Thomas Sabo in Lauf an der Pegnitz, southern Germany, operates around 300 of its own shops across all five continents with a total of around 1,860 employees. THOMAS SABO also collaborates globally with approximately 2,800 trade partners as well as leading airlines and cruise operators.



Felizia Kindermann

Head of International & Corporate PR

phone +49912397150


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Data publikacji 06.12.2017, 10:13
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