
Media service EUrVOTE: New theme package – "Economy and trade"

15.04.2019, 12:52aktualizacja: 15.04.2019, 12:52

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What are the priorities of the European Union in terms of foreign trade? What benefits does the Single Market have to offer the bloc's over 500 million citizens? And what is the relationship between free trade agreements, growth and jobs? The European Union is not only a political heavyweight; it is also one of the most influential economic players on the world stage. Questions revolving around the future of the EU's economic policy will be among the most important issues during the upcoming European Parliament elections, which take place from 23 to 26 May 2019.

Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images (

Under the title "Economy and trade" the media service EUrVOTE ( is making available a new theme package to the media, which editorial teams can incorporate into their coverage free of charge. The package provides an overview of the EU’s current political agenda regarding the Single Market and external trade. It also contains up-to-date information as well as background reports on topics such as the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the euro and "green" investments. The package also features images and interactive graphics.

About EUrVote

In the run-up to the European elections EUrVote publishes information packages under, which can be used by the media free of charge. Packages have already been released on the EU's history, the European elections, recent developments as well as the EU's environment and climate protection policy.

As the elections draw closer the service will be expanded with opinion surveys from all EU member states. As soon as the first vote projections appear, widgets will show all the results from the individual member states and the distribution of seats in the new EU Parliament. This content may also be incorporated by media in their internet services. The project is supported by the European Parliament.


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Data publikacji 15.04.2019, 12:52
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