
Used cars and commercial vehicles: All Buchbinder auctions now via live stream

26.08.2020, 16:24aktualizacja: 26.08.2020, 16:24

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

Regensburg. Following a successful trial run in recent weeks, all vehicle auctions of the Buchbinder Group will now be transmitted via live stream for online participants. This enables bidders looking for vehicles for resale or for their own use to follow the bidding process including the vehicles to be auctioned on video. Following the introduction of a bidding agent some time ago and a new bidding interface in April, Buchbinder's live stream makes auction offerings even more user-friendly. The tension that a real auction with auctioneer and hammer offers is now also more tangible for the online audience.

The new bidder interface, which was already introduced in April, offers all online participants in the regular auctions maximum flexibility in choosing their terminal and location: Whether smartphone or computer, Android or MacOS, from the sofa or the office – all variants are possible to bid. In connection with the already known bidding agent, which makes users independent of time by automatically bidding up to a definable maximum bid, participation has already become extraordinarily simple, convenient and efficient. In addition the live transmission now builds a new bridge between auction team and bidders.

All auction participants benefit from Buchbinder's exclusive auction conditions: Since the vehicles come from the groups own fleet, there is no auction surcharge, no reservation and no renegotiation; the sales decision is made immediately upon acceptance of the bid. Even before the auction, interested parties can view the photos provided online and detailed condition reports on the vehicles, which are prepared by an independent testing organization. They will also find the approximate times at which your selected vehicles will be auctioned.

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Erik Biewendt


phone +49 40 899 666 0

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Data publikacji 26.08.2020, 16:24
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