
Nauka i technologie

SIT Academy unveils a new hands-on Cyber Security online course on innovative Digital Learning Ecosystem SIT Alemira

21.10.2020, 10:00aktualizacja: 21.10.2020, 10:37

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Schaffhausen, Switzerland, October 21, 2020 - The Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT) launched the SIT Academy, an ambitious executive education program that combines Computer Science, Physics, and Business Studies. SIT Academy is built on the innovative SIT Alemira digital learning ecosystem to achieve a unique learning experience. The pilot online course will be taught by leading experts in the field of Cyber Security.

Cybercrime is on the rise, and careers in cyber security are in demand. Following this trend, today, SIT Academy launched the first course on Cyber Security as part of the executive education program. All classes will be taught by industry thought leaders and experts. The lecturers of the pilot course will be Candid Wüest, VP of Cyber Protections at Acronis, and Rainer Kessler, Partner Emerging Technology Assurance at PwC.

The launch of the pilot online course on Cyber Security demonstrates SIT´s commitment to promoting security and cyber hygiene among citizens and organizations. “The course raises cyber awareness and shares best practices with regards to digital protection design, security implementation, and recovery from both technical and managerial perspectives”, envisions Philipp Boksberger, Managing Director of SIT Academy  envisions a benefit for the whole society.

The pandemic has aligned education more than ever before with digital technologies. Students started to learn online increasingly. By the end of March 2020, more than 1 billion students were out of classrooms, and millions were studying remotely.

In line with this trend , SIT Academy aims to make education easily accessible on its online-based platform that helps people to cope with the challenges of today's world. Catering to both individual and corporate clients, SIT Academy helps acquire digital expertise remotely - with cutting-edge short or custom company programs. In the future, SIT Academy plans to expand its program suite with innovative courses in Artificial Intelligence, Deploying Business Analytics, and Advanced Materials.

About SIT

Schaffhausen Institute of Technology is founded by entrepreneurs, led by scientists, and advanced by world-class researchers. Based on a blended education model, SIT brings knowledge through science and shapes next-gen digital leaders. To learn more, please visit  

About SIT Academy

SIT Academy offers all-in learning experiences to individual and corporate clients seeking to stay relevant in an increasingly digitalized world. To learn more, please visit

About SIT Alemira

SIT Alemira is a digital learning ecosystem for business and education institutions. To learn more, please visit


Team of SIT Academy

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Source: APA-OTS


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Data publikacji 21.10.2020, 10:00
Źródło informacji APA-OTS
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