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BIZOL is the First German Motor Oil Manufacturer to Receive the Most Prestigious Global Design Award

05.09.2014, 12:05aktualizacja: 05.09.2014, 12:05

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First time since 1955 in the Red Dot Award’s history BIZOL wins the Communication Design category award

BERLIN - Today the winners of the most prestigious global design award, the Red Dot Design Award 2014, were announced. The Communication Design Award has gone to new and innovative packaging for BIZOL motor oils.  BIZOL is the first German motor oil manufacturer to receive such a prestigious award. Since 1955, the Red Dot Design Awards have been granted in almost all industries, but never in the motor oil category, until now.

BIZOL has re-designed its new containers to appeal to both professional mechanics and to car owners. The creative idea was then perfected by professional design firm Fedoriv. Four easy to remember motor oil product lines were created: GATP.  Green, Allround, Technology and Protect. Green, for maximum protection in traffic jams, Allround, for excellent engine cleaning, Technology, for optimal fuel saving and Protect for extending the engine life.

"Usually motor oil containers are not personalized and their labels are overloaded with information. Professionals and car owners cannot grasp easily which motor oil to choose. So we created a container, which would be visually different displaying also easy to understand information. Receiving such a prestigious Communication Design Award speaks for itself.  We have achieved our goal," BIZOL CEO, Boris Tatievski says proudly.

About BIZOL 

BIZOL is a German manufacturer of innovative motor oils and other technical fluids. The company was founded in Germany in 1998 and its products are now sold in 65 countries. Over the next three years, BIZOL products will be sold in 100 countries:

Press inquiries

Marcello Assandri

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

phone  +49(0)30-80-48-69-2889


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Data publikacji 05.09.2014, 12:05
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