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While the world seems to stand still, there is one safe investment: real estate. And Vienna in particular offers rare, crisis-proof reality. In a city that captivates as a perfect mixture between imperial past and modern metropolis.
Safe investments
Especially the high-end real estate sector in Vienna has a lot to offer and - as the current pandemic shows - survives even the most challenging times. After all, the market for high-quality real estate is absolutely the most crisis-proof asset class. Tangible assets are enjoying increasing popularity, especially in times of significant stock market slumps.
Austria proofs targeted action during the pandemic
In the prevailing corona situation, Austria stands out for its precise, well thought-out and rapid action. The low number of victims speaks for itself. Protective measures, even on entry to Vienna, are multi-layered and significantly successful. Vienna offers security on all levels of daily life.
Strong, attractive and efficient
The Viennese health care system can be explained precisely only by these three words. With 45 hospitals and around 5,300 doctors in private practice, the metropolis offers a density of highly specialized services that cannot be found anywhere else in Austria. Short diagnosis and therapy paths are a subsidiary part of the comprehensive medical care.
You can move freely in Vienna
Even in times of a pandemic, one can move around and go shopping in Vienna almost without restrictions. Arrival by car is permitted. Even walks in Vienna's breathtakingly beautiful surroundings are possible without restrictions and allow you to enjoy the prevailing lifestyle, far away from any restrictions. Likewise, travel to secondary residences is possible and does not require a separate application. Outdoor sports activities can be carried out without reservation and at any time.
Silent beauty
The capital is expected to break the two million mark as early as 2026. And has all the more to offer - at any time of the year! Vienna is something like the quiet beauty that you discover over time. Over half of the metropolis, which covers an area of 414 km2, is green. From numerous parks, over the Prater, the Danube Island up to the hilly Vienna Woods, you will find everything your heart desires. In the summer months, you feel like on holiday on the Danube, and the large selection of restaurants for every taste and mood complete the luxuriously eloquent life that Vienna has to offer.
Vienna attracts attention and endures ...
... through its refined culture, its time-honoured traditions and its imperial past. After all, many of the most important composers in history lived and worked here: from Mozart and Strauss to Beethoven. Thus, the metropolis, which is becoming increasingly important and is constantly growing, is more than worth investing in. In rare, crisis-proof properties such as city palaces or penthouses with 700m2 living space and 600m2 roof garden. Vienna is a jewel in full splendor that is able to unfold its full (real estate) potential especially in nerve- racking times like these.
Avantgarde Properties GmbH – Headquarter
Mag. Sophie Karoly
Seilergasse 2/Top 2
1010 Wien
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Zdjęcia i materiały graficzne do bezpłatnego wykorzystania wyłącznie z treścią niniejszej informacji
Data publikacji | 18.05.2020, 14:52 |
Źródło informacji | APA-OTS |
Zastrzeżenie | Za materiał opublikowany w serwisie PAP MediaRoom odpowiedzialność ponosi – z zastrzeżeniem postanowień art. 42 ust. 2 ustawy prawo prasowe – jego nadawca, wskazany każdorazowo jako „źródło informacji”. Informacje podpisane źródłem „PAP MediaRoom” są opracowywane przez dziennikarzy PAP we współpracy z firmami lub instytucjami – w ramach umów na obsługę medialną. Wszystkie materiały opublikowane w serwisie PAP MediaRoom mogą być bezpłatnie wykorzystywane przez media. |
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W tym roku po raz pierwszy przedsiębiorcy będą mogli skorzystać z opcji tzw. PIT-u kasowego. Nowe rozwiązanie miało ułatwić firmom rozliczenia z fiskusem, jednak wielu ekspertów wskazuje, że zostało ono obwarowane zbyt dużą liczbą ograniczeń i wymogów – podaje Prawo.pl.- 03.02.2025, 14:13
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- Źródło: PAP MediaRoom
Rammelburg Castle as a potential residence for Elon Musk - invitation to visit
Peter Karl Jugl refers to the Bild article from January 30, titled “This Could Be Elon Musk’s New European Headquarters”. Jugl, Managing Director of Deutsche Baukultur Dienstleistungs GmbH, which owns Rammelburg Castle, is offering the visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk the historic property as a weekend retreat, holiday residence, or company headquarters. As a great admirer of Musk’s innovative projects and his commitment to the future of humanity, Jugl would even be willing to gift him the castle.- 03.02.2025, 13:13
- Kategoria: Biznes i finanse
- Źródło: APA-OTS
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- Źródło: Asseco CEIT
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