
BANK PEKAO SA (34/2024) Dopuszczenie do obrotu na giełdzie w Luksemburgu euroobligacji nieuprzywilejowanych senioralnych (Senior Non-Preferred) serii 2 o łącznej wartości nominalnej 500.000.000 EUR wyemitowanych w ramach Programu EMTN

24.09.2024, 16:32aktualizacja: 24.09.2024, 16:34

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Raport bieżący 34/2024

UNOFFICIAL TRANSALTION24.09.2024 - Report 34/2024: Admission

to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange of Senior Non-Preferred

Eurobond Series 2 with a total nominal value of EUR 500,000,000 issued

under EMTN ProgrammeWith reference to current report no.

33/2024 of 17 September 2024, Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. (_quot;Bank_quot;)

announces that on 24 September 2024, six-year Senior Non-Preferred bonds

issued under the Euro Medium Term Note Programme (_quot;EMTN Programme_quot;)

were admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock

Exchange.The Bank provides the following information as required

by § 17(1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018

on current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities

and the conditions for recognising as equivalent the information

required by the laws of a non-member state:a) the date of admission

of eurobonds to trading and the date of first listing: 24 September 2024;b)

the number of eurobonds admitted to trading: 5,000 bonds;c) the

series of eurobonds admitted to trading: 2.In addition, the

Bank provides the following information on the eurobonds:a) total

nominal value: EUR 500,000,000, being equivalent to PLN 2,133,400,000,

at the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland as at 24

September 2024,b) coupon: (i) for a period of five years from the

date of issue, fixed at 4.000% per annum, payable annually, (ii) in the

sixth year, floating, based on EURIBOR 3M plus a margin of 1.8%, payable

every three months,c) issue date: 24 September 2024,d) eurobond

redemption date: 24 September 2030,e) optional early redemption date

at the issuer's request: 24 September 2029,f) eurobond nominal

value: EUR 100,000 being equivalent to PLN 426,680 at the average

exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland as at 24 September 2024,g)

ISIN code: XS2906339747.The rating agency S_amp;P Global Ratings

Europe Limited has assigned a BBB rating to the issued tranche of bonds.Eurobonds

are governed by English law, subject to the status of the eurobonds,

waiver of set-off and the clause relating to acknowledgement of a

decision of the compulsory restructuring authority as to a bail-in or

conversion of the instrument, which are governed by Polish law.Legal

basis: § 17(1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March

2018 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of

securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information

required by the laws of a non-member state.

More information on page:,0,0,0,1

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Data publikacji 24.09.2024, 16:32
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