
CYFROWY POLSAT SA (17/2024) Zwołanie Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzania spółki Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. na dzień 8 października 2024 roku oraz treść projektów uchwał

11.09.2024, 16:27aktualizacja: 11.09.2024, 16:28

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Raport bieżący z plikiem 17/2024


Convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Cyfrowy Polsat

S.A. on 8 October 2024 and draft of resolutionsThe

Management Board of Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. (the "Company"), in connection

with the request to convene an extraordinary general meeting and place

certain matters on the agenda of this meeting, submitted by a

shareholder representing at least one-twentieth of the share capital,

acting pursuant to Article 400 §1 and 2 of the Code of Commercial

Companies in connection with the Articles 398 and 399 § 1 in conjunction

with Articles 402(1) and 402(2) of the Commercial Companies Code (the

CCC") and in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 Section 2 of

the Company's Statutes, convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting of

the Company, which will be held on 8 October 2024 at 2:00 p.m. CET in

Warsaw, in the registered office of the Company at ul. Łubinowa 4a.Agenda

of the Annual Meeting, taking into account the shareholder's request,

expanded with additional agenda item No. 6, proposed by the Company:1.

Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting.2. Election of the

Chairperson of the Extraordinary General Meeting.3. Confirming that

the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting has been properly convened and is

capable of adopting binding resolutions.4. Election of a Ballot

Counting Committee.5. Adoption of the agenda.6. Consideration

and adoption of a resolution regarding consent to execute an agreement

for the purchase from the City of Warsaw of real property previously

covered by the lease agreement dated 23 October 2002, No. CRU-902/2022,

entered in the Land and Mortgage Register No. WA3M/00342506/4,

constituting plot of land No. 46 with an area of 6,949 m2, from the

4-11-14 precinct, located in the Targówek District at Zabraniecka Street

(the "Property") under a non-tender procedure.7.

Consideration and adoption of a resolution on changing the number of

members of the Supervisory Board.8. Consideration and adoption of

resolutions/resolutions on changes in the composition of the Supervisory

Board.9. Closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting.The

Management Board attaches to this Current Report as follows:• an

announcement of the convocation of the Extraordinary General Meeting on

8 October 2024, prepared in accordance with Article 402(2) of the

Commercial Companies Code (Appendix 1);• draft resolutions to be

discussed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company convened

on 8 October 2024 (Appendix 2);The Company makes all information

regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting available on the Company's

website at:, subpage: Corporate

Governance, tab: General Meetings - Materials.

More information on page:,0,0,0,1

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Data publikacji 11.09.2024, 16:27
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