
IMD releases new World Talent Ranking

20.11.2014, 12:44aktualizacja: 20.11.2014, 12:44

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The IMD World Talent Ranking as a table is available at:

IMD, a top-ranked global business school, just released its first annual World Talent Report. The report introduces the IMD World Talent Ranking based on the long-established IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook.

It assesses a country’s ability to develop, attract and retain talent for companies based on three factors:

1. Investment and development in local talent, reflecting investment in education.

2. Appeal, reflecting ability to retain home-grown talent and attract overseas talent.

3. Readiness, reflecting a country’s ability to fulfil market demands with its talent pool.

“The top countries have a balanced approach to the three factors,” said Professor Arturo Bris, Director of the IMD World Competitiveness Center.

The ranking is based on over 20 indicators, some statistical and others drawn from an IMD survey of 4,300 international executives. The Competitiveness Center’s database tracks the evolution since 2005.


The ranking is led by Switzerland (1), Denmark (2), Germany (3), Finland (4) and Malaysia (5). The US comes in 12th. At the bottom are Venezuela (59) and Bulgaria (60).

- In investment and development, Denmark leads ahead of Switzerland (2) and Austria (3).

- Switzerland leads in appeal, followed by Germany (2), and the US (3).

- Switzerland is highest-rated for readiness, ahead of Finland (2) and the Netherlands (3).

Top-ranked countries

Based on data from 2005 to 2014, the report identifies the most talent-competitive countries.

Canada, Denmark and Switzerland are the only countries ranked in the top 10 every year. Sweden has been in the top 10 since 2007. Singapore reached the top 10 in six of the ten years.

“Changes in ranking from may stem from economic or socio-political issues that affect policies,” Bris said.

Read the full report:

IMD is a top-ranked business school. It hosts the IMD World Competitiveness Center.




Aicha Besser

Communications Specialist

phone +41 21 618 0507


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Data publikacji 20.11.2014, 12:44
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