
Local Motors partners with door2door to build the future of autonomous mobility

02.06.2021, 10:56aktualizacja: 02.06.2021, 10:58

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

The companies reached a strategic agreement for joint product and market development of autonomous on-demand shuttles.

-    The joint autonomous shuttle service is the first to respond to new German legislation allowing autonomous vehicles on public roads.
-    The combination of Local Motors’ autonomous shuttle Olli 2.0 with door2door’s mobility software offers customers what they need to manage and deploy their autonomous fleet.
-    Before the end of Q3/21, the first results are planned to be made public.

Local Motors, a leader in the design and manufacturing of autonomous vehicles, and door2door, a Berlin-based leader in mobility software, announced their strategic agreement today. Together they want to use the strengths and experiences of both companies to drive autonomous mobility to the next level. This is the first step between the two parties connecting Olli together with door2door’s technologies into an integrated ecosystem in the new mobility market. The goal is to offer the most efficient, flexible solution for mobility operators around the world.

The partnership comes at an inflection point for autonomous vehicles in the European Union. Last week, German lawmakers adopted the world’s first legal framework for autonomous driving in regular operation to allow some autonomous vehicles on public roads, pointing to the readiness of autonomous vehicles to move from specialized pilot projects to commercial fleet applications.

The strategic agreement will connect door2door’s software solutions with every phase of Olli’s operation. For example, door2door’s mobility analytics software will determine optimal parameters for mobility operators to run autonomous shuttles, supporting transit planners with simulations and demand/supply analysis. Further, door2door’s on-demand fleet management software will be deployed on Olli’s onboard HMI and rider’s mobile phone. Riders will be able to call Olli to their location and define a drop-off location within the vehicle's operating domain. The vehicle will improve routes to safely and efficiently move passengers without human intervention. In order to fully optimize the joint autonomous shuttle service, door2door’s pooling algorithms will allow for shared rides.

“The partnership with door2door is an important step for Local Motors as we expand operations in Europe. The agreement is well-timed as the German government commits to bringing autonomy to public transportation. door2door’s leading software will integrate well with Olli 2.0, creating a strong solution to scale as legislators recognize the viable applications of AVs”, said Carlo Iacovini, Local Motors EMEA General Manager.

With over 60 deployments across Europe, door2door’s software helps to increase transit ridership and optimize transit investment by identifying gaps in cities, villages, and rural areas. Local Motors has deployed multiple units of Olli in the EU, most recently Hambach, Germany and Ghent, Belgium providing thousands of rides.

“The key to success for autonomous vehicles is to combine hardware with software and thereby use the power that lies within pooling and routing. Based on our long-term experience with on-demand mobility services we will enable our customers to manage and optimize the operations of a self-driving vehicle fleet while providing an end-to-end, multi-modal seamless experience for their riders. Together with Local Motors, we will create a holistic customer experience that increases the value for the users and captures more value for our business customers”, said André Gerhardy, door2door Chief Commercial Officer.

This strategic agreement is made with the intent to collaborate more extensively in the future.

About door2door

door2door is a global leader of new mobility software solutions. Founded in 2012 with the goal to make cities smarter, the company created an on-demand mobility & MaaS software platform that can easily be integrated into any existing mobility network. door2door is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Mobility.
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Anna Mohn
Head of Marketing
phone +49 171 4875690

About Local Motors

Local Motors designs, manufactures, and deploys next-generation vehicles. Founded in 2007 with a belief in open collaboration, Local Motors began low-volume vehicle manufacturing of open-source designs utilizing a microfactory model. Since its inception, Local Motors has debuted no less than three world firsts; the world’s first co-created vehicle, the world’s first 3D-printed car, and the world’s first co-created, autonomous, electric vehicle, Olli. We believe that Olli is the answer to a sustainable, accessible mobility solution for all.

Learn more -
Matt Bourland

Source: APA- OTS


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Data publikacji 02.06.2021, 10:56
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