
Norman Logistics: Poland Forecast as Leading Transport Gateway to Europe and Asia

06.02.2019, 10:16aktualizacja: 06.02.2019, 10:16

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RIGA, Latvia, February 6, 2019/PRNewswire/ - Plans of the Polish government to create Solidarity Airport - Central Transport Hub (CTH) in the outskirts of Warsaw as a varied transportation hub could significantly change the flow of passengers and goods not only in Central Europe, but also in the wider region.

Business media Research for TRAN Committee - Transport and Tourism in Poland presented by the European Parliament in 2018, Poland's airports have serviced almost 40 million passengers - 18% more than in 2016. The biggest number of serviced passengers was in Warsaw Chopin Airport with 15,75 million passengers, followed by Kraków Airport with 5,84 million and Gdańsk Airport with 4,61 million. Regional airports are also growing rapidly, increasing their share of the market by up to 61% in 2017. For a second straight year, Polish aviation markets have shown better results than European and Worldwide scale markets. Moreover, in recent years, connections of various transport hubs were developed.

In the area of passenger transportation, three airline companies are dominating - Ryanair with 31 % of market, LOT - with 24 % and Wizzair - with 21 %. As for cargo carriage, transportation of cargo by air was, in small amounts up until now, (approx. 84 000 tons in 2017) concentrated mainly in Warsaw Chopin Airport. However, cargo carriage area has also seen rapid growth - up 17% in comparison with 2016.

The plans to create CHT are providing not only new airports with capacity of 45 million passengers during first few years and 100 million passengers per year later, but also high-speed highways and railroad connections.

So, the new infrastructure object will become a significant transportation hub in Europe, Norman Logistics Sp.zo.o member of the Board, Rolands Petersons believes. He is also sure from expressions of several neighbouring countries of Poland, that the prospective CTH will become a significant competitor for existing logistics centres. "I think that CTH really has the potential to change the existing passenger and cargo flows not only in Central Europe, but in whole world, especially in context with other growing economic indicators of Poland," Petersons said.

Norman Logistics Sp. z o.o.

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Data publikacji 06.02.2019, 10:16
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