
Zlecone: Union Bancaire Privee achieves net profits of CHF 216 million as it implements its new Private Banking and Asset Management strategies (Updated version)

26.01.2011, 15:14aktualizacja: 26.01.2011, 15:14

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- Union Bancaire Privee (UBP) achieves net profits of CHF 216 million (USD 230 million) for the 2010 financial year as it implements its new strategies for Private Banking and Asset Management.

- Assets under management totalled CHF 65 billion (USD 69 billion) as at 31 December 2010, mainly affected by negative exchange-rate effects.

- A strong financial base and a Tier 1 ratio of 24.1% is maintained through careful risk-management and a tight rein on the balance sheet

Stable earnings

For the 2010 financial year, UBP’s consolidated net profit reached CHF 216 million (USD 230 million), identical to 2009. As at 31 December 2010, assets under management came to CHF 65 billion (USD 69 billion), versus CHF 75 billion at the end of 2009. These were mainly affected by negative exchange-rate effects.

Revenues were CHF 766 million (USD 816 million) for the year versus CHF 806 million for 2009. Interest income remained almost unchanged at CHF 162 million versus 166 million in 2009. Trading came in at CHF 195 million (USD 208 million), boosted by particularly good market conditions. Operating expenses remained firmly under control (-1%) at CHF 493 million (USD 525 million). This figure takes into account the investment made in reorganising the Asset Management division. The Group’s consolidated cost/income ratio was 65%.

Sound financial base

The balance sheet total reached CHF 18 billion (USD 19 billion), and the return on shareholder equity for the 2010 financial year was 12.8%. Overall, the balance sheet remained stable, with a high level of liquidity. By pursuing a conservative approach to risk-management, UBP has maintained a solid financial base and a strong balance sheet. With a Tier 1 capital ratio of 24.1%, UBP is one of the best-capitalised banks in Switzerland. The 2010 results include the agreement the Bank reached with the US liquidator dealing with the bankruptcy of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, which allowed UBP to bring a final close to this chapter.

Growing new markets

After two years of profound changes to the international financial and economic landscape, 2011 will see the crystallisation of all the Bank’s efforts. The aim of Private Banking is to develop growth markets, such as the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, and to grow its European onshore client base. Asset Management has launched a new range of in-house managed investment funds with around fifteen products, carefully tailored to meet client needs and with a particular focus on emerging markets.

As a global asset manager, UBP is committed to providing innovative investment solutions suited to the new market environment, with the highest levels of service quality and transparency. With its good 2010 results, newly-recruited renowned experts and financial solidity, the Bank is facing the future with confidence as it continues to provide its clients with the very best investment services.

Editors’ note

Union Bancaire Privee (UBP) is based in Geneva and is one of Switzerland’s leading private banks. Active in the field of asset management for both private and institutional clients and with a very solid balance sheet, the Bank had more than CHF 65 billion (USD 69 billion) in assets under management as at 31 December 2010. UBP employs around 1,200 people in some twenty locations worldwide and provides a complete range of products and innovative investment solutions, both in traditional and alternative asset management, with the aim of seeking out performance and attaining its clients’ objectives.

For further information

Jerome Koechlin

Head of Communications

tel. +41 58 819 26 40


Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 26.01.2011, 15:14
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