
Zlecone: Acoustic innovation: e-sound by Audi

05.04.2012, 11:06aktualizacja: 05.04.2012, 11:06

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- The brand is developing new sound signatures for its future e-tron models

- A control unit generates sound based on signals from the car

- A loudspeaker broadcasts the sound signature

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Ingolstadt, April 5, 2012 - Audi’s future e-tron models will cover long distances powered by practically silent electric motors. To ensure that pedestrians in urban settings will hear them, the brand has developed a synthetic solution: Audi e-sound.

Rudolf Halbmeir’s workstation is not exactly typical of an Audi engineer. There is a digital piano on his desk, two studio-quality loudspeakers next to his computer monitor, and a pile of music magazines off to the side. "A car’s sound," says Halbmeir, an acoustics engineer, "is similar to music."

Sound is an especially exciting aspect of a vehicle. Although it can be described in physical terms, there is no substitute for experiencing it firsthand. A car’s sound is emotional, not intellectual. Although we consciously register a car’s sounds only occasionally while on the road, they are always there – playing a crucial role in the driving experience. Sounds send signals. Low-range frequencies suggest power and composure, while mid-range frequencies emit sportiness and agility.

All Audi models produce sound signatures which are not only well-rounded and harmonious, but also broadcast performance, premium quality and respectability. "Good sound design is a complex endeavor," explains Dr. Ralf Kunkel, Head of Acoustics at Audi. "We have gathered a lot of expertise over the years. We have also learned how to amplify pleasant frequencies and to suppress unpleasant noises."

Product/Technology Communications

Josef Schlossmacher

tel. +49 (0)841 89-33869



Tanja Lehner

tel. +49 (0)841 89-34105


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Data publikacji 05.04.2012, 11:06
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