
Zlecone: Media Invitation to the World Engineers' Convention 2011

19.07.2011, 11:00aktualizacja: 19.07.2011, 11:00

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Geneva, Switzerland - In September 2011, Geneva is becoming a meeting place for international engineering and energy experts. This year's convention focuses on the global challenges in developing a sustainable energy future. The organizers managed to bring together government representatives, notable politicians and decision makers from research and economy from all parts of the world.

In order to develop a sustainable energy future, collective commitment is needed - by engineering, economy, politics and society. The World Engineers' Convention 2011 is bringing together decision makers from around the world - including their different perspectives. They will illustrate practical solutions and discuss burning questions. More than 2000 international participants are expected.


Fukushima - Facts and Consequences: The director of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the president of the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization and experts from the USA and France will discuss the facts and consequences of the tragic incidents.

Government representatives, members of organizations such as UNESCO, IEA or WFEO, engineers, scientists and business representatives will talk about their visions at round tables.

Declaration: WEC 2011 will pass a declaration which proposes that a low-carbon energy supply is feasible. The statements have been discussed internationally before the convention.

Special Sessions will take place addressing today's challenges for China, Japan and the USA

Invitation media

We are pleased to invite you as a media representative to WEC 2011. Use the opportunity to interview keynote speakers and organizers before and during the convention. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

Media accreditation and further information:

World Engineers' Convention (WEC) 2011

Engineers Power the World - Facing the Global Energy Challenge

4 to 9 September 2011, Geneva, Switzerland

Media contact:

Christa Rosatzin

tel. +41/44/445’19’94


Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 19.07.2011, 11:00
Źródło informacji PAP
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