
Zlecone: A Small Mountain Village Gets Big on Facebook - Now anybody can "become" Swiss

30.09.2011, 16:00aktualizacja: 30.09.2011, 16:00

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Chur/Switzerland - The little mountain village of Obermutten in Graubunden has been on Facebook for a few days and is making an unusual promise. Anyone who goes to and clicks on "like" can put his/her photo onto the Commune’s official notice board. By doing this, anybody anywhere in the world can "become Swiss". After only two days, the village already has eight times more fans than residents, and this number is growing by the day.

The identity pictures are printed out by a councillor and pinned up on the noticeboard and the fans thus become part of the village community. The eighty inhabitants - many still without an internet connection - like to get to know their fans in this way. The village has been simply swamped with fan applications. However, the Commune in the Graubunden holiday region has undertaken to keep its promise. Now that the noticeboard is already practically full, new fans are being posted on the wall of a huge barn and the village council is looking for further alternatives.

"Obermutten is developing a personal relationship with its guests. Here it’s not a question of the total volume, but of each individual one. Why shouldn’t this be the same for us in the internet?" asks Martin Wyss, Mutten’s village president. Already many people from all over the world who would like to "become Swiss" are posted on the noticeboard or barn wall.

The village president communicates with his fans in short video messages in an extremely personal way and every day the fans can also find themselves in a picture of the noticeboard.


Here the video messages on YouTube:


Graubuenden Tourism

Gieri Spescha

Head of Corporate Communication

tel. +41/81/254’24’31


Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 30.09.2011, 16:00
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