
Nauka i technologie

Berlin's 3D city model is available as Open Data

13.03.2015, 12:56aktualizacja: 13.03.2015, 12:56

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Berlin plays a leading role throughout Europe in the digital economy – as of today a 3D city model of the German capital is available to the public as Open Data. Until now Internet users have had the opportunity to explore the city of Berlin online by using the Business Location Center’s realistic model from Berlin Partner for Business and Technology – now they can also use the data. Regardless of whether for scientists, game developers, city planners, architects or graphic designers, the large-scale model of Berlin is available as a free download.

Around 550,000 buildings covering 890 km2 of city space were photographed from the air and measured in order to create the model. The 3D building data of the city is now being prepared via a web-based service portal as part of the Open Data initiative from the State of Berlin. The Open Data model enables users to refer to both the original CityGML data for the entire city model as well as sections of the city and to use it for their own purposes. Individual buildings, for example, can be selected and downloaded over a service interface in a variety of 3D data formats. The model provides a unique foundation for research and development for technology-based companies, startups in the digital economy and scientific institutions. The model helps strengthen Berlin's pioneering role as a digital and innovative city in Europe.

The 3D city model is a project by the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research and Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.

Link to the 3D city model and video material, which is available for unrestricted use:


Annabell Dörksen



Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, Fasanenstrasse 85, D-10623 Berlin

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Data publikacji 13.03.2015, 12:56
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