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Cinemo and DENSO Collaborate to Deliver Optimum In-Vehicle Infotainment

06.02.2017, 11:11aktualizacja: 06.02.2017, 11:11

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DENSO’s next generation high-end infotainment platform to integrate Cinemo Unified Middleware

Karlsruhe, Germany, Jan 6, 2017 - Cinemo, a global leader in high performance and automotive grade multimedia playback, streaming, media management and connectivity middleware, has announced that DENSO, a leading supplier of advanced automotive technology, systems and components, has selected Cinemo’s multimedia platform for integration into DENSO’s new automotive Head Unit project.

The joint cooperation between Cinemo and DENSO will be dedicated to a major Japanese car OEM and includes Cinemo’s advanced file, stream and disc playback, media management, and UPnP based content sharing features, extending an already innovative concept in Infotainment usability and control. Cinemo and DENSO will work closely together to address the increasing technological demands of enhancing the digital experience in the car.

“With technology convergence upon us, expectations are becoming very high in today’s In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) system design, so delivering performance led solutions remain a constant challenge” said Jim Corbett of Cinemo. “Cinemo’s multimedia solutions have already become a critical element in infotainment systems, so we are very happy to be working with DENSO once more to move the benchmark further in IVI development”.

About Cinemo

CPU and Operating System agnostic as well as highly optimized for low power and low footprint devices, Cinemo's unified middleware solutions decode, play, render, stream, manage and index virtually any file, disc, connected device and streaming format. Designed and optimized for the high quality requirements of the automotive industry, Cinemo’s solutions can be seamlessly integrated into entry, mid and high automotive / in-vehicle infotainment system head and rear seat units, as well as automotive Apps enabling powerful new use cases.

Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images (

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Stephanie Lesser

phone: +49 (0)721 680 787 68


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Data publikacji 06.02.2017, 11:11
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