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OpenCloud 1.0 now available: New open-source alternative to Microsoft SharePoint & Co.

25.02.2025, 14:19aktualizacja: 25.02.2025, 14:21

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Berlin, Germany– Just a few weeks after the operational launch of OpenCloud GmbH, the first full, installable release of OpenCloud is now available. OpenCloud is a modern open-source solution for file management, file sharing and content collaboration, serving as a high-performance, GDPR-compliant alternative to proprietary solutions such as Microsoft SharePoint, Google Drive or Dropbox. With an innovative cloud-native architecture and licensing under Apache 2.0 and AGPL-3.0, OpenCloud offers a future-proof, transparent, and digital sovereign solution for IT infrastructures in Europe. OpenCloud is developed in the programming language Go, offering high performance and scalability.

Version 1.0 with web office integration

OpenCloud already offers a wide range of advanced features right from the start, including:

  • Secure and scalable file storage solutions
  • Collabora Online integration as a comprehensive web office solution
  • Collaboration tools for seamless real-time editing
  • Detailed user and permissions management
  • Resource-efficient file synchronization and user-friendly file sharing features

OpenCloud invites the open-source community to test the first rolling release version and provide valuable feedback. More information on how the open-source community can participate can be found here.

Professional services offering alongside March release

The next major OpenCloud release in March 2025 will include the launch of various enterprise services such as support packages for enterprise customers. This release will also mark the official launch of the OpenCloud commercial offering with a professional services level of product maturity.

About OpenCloud and the Heinlein Gruppe

OpenCloud is a powerful open-source solution for file management, file sharing and content collaboration.

Together with OpenTalk and, OpenCloud is one of the three pillars of Heinlein Gruppe, which provides secure and digitally sovereign IT infrastructures throughout Europe, since over 30 years. More information:

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Press Contact

Schwartz Public Relations

Lara Neidhart


Source: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 25.02.2025, 14:19
Źródło informacji APA-OTS
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