
Zlecone: Stephen Crocker, chairman of the ICANN board, will open the Conference on New Top-Level Domains

11.07.2011, 13:05aktualizacja: 11.07.2011, 13:05

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Internet pioneer Stephen Crocker will present the keynote speech at the " - The Munich Conference on new TLDs" on September 26th, 2011 in Munich

Starnberg, Germany - Stephen Crocker, one of the Internet's founding architects and recently named Chairman of the Board of the international coordinating authority for domain names, ICANN, will present the keynote speech at the upcoming " - The Munich Conference on new TLDs" meeting. His speech on September 26th will mark the kick-off of the two-day international conference. The event, which will bring experts in the fields of technology, trademark law and business from around the world to Munich, will serve as a platform for discussions centering on ICANN's newly adopted program for the introduction of new top-level domain extensions.

Being the first of its kind in Europe, the conference offers a unique opportunity for all interested parties to build valuable connections and network with experienced industry professionals. Additionally, it will deliver answers to all questions concerning this major change for the Internet.

With the introduction of new top-level domains, the Internet finds itself at a unique point in its young lifetime: until now, only a small number of endings such as .com, .net, .org or .info have dominated the Web. Next year however, over 400 applications for new domain endings such as .shop, .web, .berlin or wholly-owned suffixes such as .apple, for example, are expected; the resulting opportunities for Internet users will be as significant as they are challenging.

"Who better to open the only event in Europe focusing on this important topic than one of the people who has had such decisive influence on the development of the Internet - a tool we all now so commonly use," said Markus Eggensperger, co-founder of united-domains, the host of the conference.

Regarding the upcoming event, Dr. Crocker stated, "The Internet has experienced unprecedented changes in its 40 year history and the introduction of new top-level domains will be one such challenge. I'm delighted that I can contribute the keynote and hope we can all make the most of this unique moment for the good of the global Internet community."

More information about the conference at

Press Contact united-domains:

Holger Neumann

Press & Social Media Manager

Gautinger Str. 10

82319 Starnberg, Germany

tel. +49(0)8151/3686760


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Data publikacji 11.07.2011, 13:05
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