
Zlecone: Development of the Electricity Carbon Emission Factors for Kazakhstan, Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina

09.02.2012, 16:39aktualizacja: 09.02.2012, 16:39

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

In 2009, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development contracted Lahmeyer International for the calculation of reliable carbon emission factors for Russia and Ukraine covering the period 2009 - 2020. Project developers can use these factors to calculate emission reductions for project types such as the utilisation of renewable energy sources or the improvement of energy efficiency among the entire power supply chain from electricity generation to final use. The carbon emission factors as well as the underlying model have been subject to determination by the Accredited Independent Entity TUV SUD.

The approved methodology for the calculation of the electricity carbon emission factors shall now be used by Lahmeyer International in a new EBRD funded assignment that will cover Kazakhstan, Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

The electricity carbon emission factors shall facilitate to derive the baseline scenario of future Joint Implementation (JI) or Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project activities under the Kyoto Protocol. The study contributes to the policy direction of standardised baselines under JI or CDM. In addition, the results may be of help in other carbon market regimes, like voluntary carbon or domestic emissions trading.


Sabine Wulf

Lahmeyer International GmbH

Friedberger Str. 173

D- 61118 Bad Vilbel

tel. +49 (0)6101 55-0


Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

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Data publikacji 09.02.2012, 16:39
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