
Nauka i technologie

Kurt Bock is the next VCI president (Centrum Prasowe PAP)

26.09.2016, 10:45aktualizacja: 26.09.2016, 10:45

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BASF CEO to head the German Chemical Industry Association

The Annual General Meeting of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) in Düsseldorf has elected Dr. Kurt Bock as the VCI's next president. Bock is Chairman of the Executive Board of BASF SE, Ludwigshafen and has been a member of the VCI executive council and board since fall 2011. His two-year term begins on September 24, 2016 and runs as stipulated in the by-laws until the 2018 annual general meeting.

Speaking as the newly elected president, Bock said: "The chemical and pharmaceutical industry is in the midst of radical change. Globalization and digitization are transforming production and business models in our industry. This comes at a time when rapidly growing populations in emerging and developing countries and the need for sustainable development are calling for new solutions. This process of transformation offers huge potential to boost competitiveness and innovation and strengthen Germany's industrial base. Chemical and pharmaceutical industry players have the expertise and the ideas to help shape the necessary technological and societal change in a responsible way. With a sustainable and forward-looking "Chemie 4.0" we can make a major contribution to improving prosperity and quality of life. The best way to realize this opportunity is if all the relevant stakeholders in industry, politics and civil society pull together."

The VCI vice-presidents elected at the meeting are

Werner Baumann, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Bayer AG,

Hans Van Bylen, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA,

Dr. Klaus Engel, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, Evonik Industries AG.

The president and three vice-presidents constitute the association's executive board.

Please note: You will find photos and a curriculum vitae of Dr. Kurt Bock under:



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Source: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 26.09.2016, 10:45
Źródło informacji APA-OTS
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