

17.01.2017, 15:01aktualizacja: 17.01.2017, 15:01

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- 2.2 million visitors in 2016 - 152,065 vehicle deliveries, including the festive handover of the 2.5 millionth car in summer - New summer festival delights half a million people - Strong growth in educational programme participation

The Autostadt in Wolfsburg concluded 2016 with good results, matching the high levels of previous years. A total of 2.2 million people visited the Volkswagen Group communications platform in 2016. The Autostadt once again confirmed its leading position as the world's largest vehicle delivery centre: 152,065 new cars were handed over in the CustomerCenter in 2016 (2015:168,514). This decrease is associated with the development in the German market. The Autostadt maintained its overall market share of 27.3% (previous year: 28%) of all Volkswagen passenger cars delivered to customers in Germany. A special occasion was marked in June, when the 2.5 millionth new car was handed over to a family by Volkswagen Passenger Cars Brand Chairman Herbert Diess and Autostadt CEO Otto F. Wachs.

Summarizing the past year, Otto F. Wachs said: "With 2.2 million guests, 2016 was a good year. Despite a 20% lower budget, we managed to achieve a top result with our most popular events. For this I would like to thank the entire Autostadt team."

The new summer festival was a major success for the Autostadt. 506,000 guests experienced modern circus performing arts at the highest level with Cirque Nouveau. Consequently, plans are being made to continue the festival in 2017.

The winter programme was also a major attraction for visitors. Around 415,000 guests enjoyed the winter wonderland. Along with the seasonal programmes, the Movimentos Festival and diverse educational courses offered special opportunities for visiting guests. Some 440,000 courses offered by the Autostadt were attended by guests of all ages in 2016 (2015:350,000).

According to Otto F. Wachs, "We set out in 2016 to offer our guests unique experiences and bring them together with unanticipated themes. We successfully achieved these goals with a significantly lower annual budget. We will continue this work in 2017. As the friendly ambassadors of the Volkswagen Group, we can appeal to guests from home and abroad with our excellent service quality. Our special focus this year will be on the Autostadt CustomerCenter. We want to make the delivery of a new Volkswagen a modern, incomparable experience for our guests."

Details on highlights in 2016 at


Autostadt Press Department

phone +49-(0)5361-40-1444


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Data publikacji 17.01.2017, 15:01
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