
Schoeller Group continues its buy and build strategy

27.01.2017, 10:25aktualizacja: 27.01.2017, 10:25

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Martin and Christoph Schoeller, Managing Partners of the Schoeller Group, Pullach, Germany, are currently actively pursuing acquisitions in returnable packaging. Historically, financial investors have been invited to co-invest with Schoeller to finance this growth. JP Morgan are co-shareholders of Schoeller Allibert.

Over the last 20 years several companies were taken over and successfully integrated such as Berolina, Wavin, Arca (Perstorp) and Linpac Allibert.

Schoeller Group has no intention to sell its participation in the Schoeller Allibert Group B.V. The shareholding in Schoeller Allibert is the core asset of the Schoeller Group that additionally owns subsidiaries and joint ventures in packaging, logistics and communication technology as well as managing further investments in private companies, liquid assets and real estate.


Schoeller Group GmbH

Martin Schoeller


tel. +49-89-55277 100

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Data publikacji 27.01.2017, 10:25
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