
BANK MILLENNIUM SA (29/2024) Znaczące pozycje mające wpływ na wyniki finansowe III kwartału 2024 r.

02.10.2024, 17:26aktualizacja: 02.10.2024, 17:27

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Raport bieżący 29/2024

Bank Millennium S.A.

October 2, 2024

Current report no. 29/2024

SUBJECT: Significant items impacting financial results in the 3rd

quarter 2024

The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. [the Bank] informs that the

estimated level of 3rd quarter 2024 provisions for legal risk connected

with FX mortgage loans originated by the Bank amounts to PLN470 million.

Additionally, PLN62 million worth of provisions [without P_amp;L impact] are

estimated to be created against legal risk related to the loan book

originated by former Euro Bank S.A.

Additionally, with reference to the current report No 17/2024 published

on May 7, 2024, the Bank informs that following a verification of the

estimated participation of eligible mortgage borrowers in credit

holidays it lowered the estimated impact of the Act amending the Act on

support for borrowers who have taken out a mortgage loan and are in a

difficult financial situation and the Act on crowdfunding for business

ventures and assistance to borrowers [the Act] on the financial results

of the Bank and its Group. As a result, in the 3rd quarter 2024, the

estimated cost of credit holidays was lowered by PLN44 million to the

level of PLN157 million, positively impacting interest income in the


Final value of legal risk provisions in the 3rd quarter 2024 and

financial results will be disclosed in the financial statements for the

3rd quarter 2024 due to be announced on October 29, 2024. Legal

basis: art. 17 section 1 MAR

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Data publikacji 02.10.2024, 17:26
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