
KSG AGRO S.A. (2/2025) Diversify and expand investment activities

20.02.2025, 13:54aktualizacja: 20.02.2025, 13:55

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Raport bieżący 2/2025

diversify and expand our investment activities KSG Agro S.A.

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behalf of the Board of Directors of KSG AGRO SA (Luxembourg), we are

pleased to announce that the Board has decided to diversify and expand

our investment activities into EU markets. Additionally, we are

exploring new market segments, with a particular focus on

biofertilizers. As part of our long-term strategy to enhance financial

stability, we are also open to investments in real estate. As

the first step in implementing this strategy, the Company has

strengthened its financial position and liquidity by purchasing

1,500,000 of its own shares from its major shareholder, Olbis

Investments LTD. Following

this transaction, as of February 19, 2025, KSG AGRO SA now holds

1,500,000 shares, representing 10.00% of the Company's total


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Data publikacji 20.02.2025, 13:54
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