
CI GAMES SE (32/2024) Decyzja Zarządu CI Games SE w sprawie ostatecznego odstąpienia od wykonania uchwały Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia

18.09.2024, 21:45aktualizacja: 18.09.2024, 21:46

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Raport bieżący 32/2024

Current report number: 32/2024

Date: 18 September 2024

Legal basis: Article 17 (1) of MAR - Confidential Information.

Subject: Decision of the Management Board of CI Games SE on the

final withdrawal from implementing the resolution of the Extraordinary

General Meeting

The Management Board of CI Games SE with its registered office in Warsaw

(the _quot;Company_quot;), with reference to current report No.

24/2024 of May 29, 2024, hereby informs that, acting on the basis of the

authorization resulting from §3 section 5 of Resolution No. 3/1/2024 of

the Extraordinary General Meeting of CI Games SE of March 21, 2024 on

the increase of the Company's share capital by issuing M series ordinary

bearer shares, depriving the existing shareholders of the entire

pre-emptive right to all M series shares, dematerialization of M series

shares and the rights to series M shares, applying for admission and

introduction of series M shares and/or rights to series M shares to

trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange

S.A., authorization to conclude an agreement for the registration of

series M shares/or rights to series M shares in the securities

depository and amending the Company's Articles of Association, the

adoption of which was announced by the Company in current report No.

8/2024 of March 21, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the _quot;Issuance

Resolution_quot;), on September 18, 2024, adopted a resolution on

withdrawal from the execution of the Issue Resolution.

In connection with the conclusion by the Company with Epic Games Inc. (_quot;Epic_quot;)

of the binding agreement, about which the Company informed in current

report No. 28/2024 of June 15, 2024, the Company's Management Board

stated that the Company has obtained financing which - together with the

debt financing planned by the Company - will be sufficient to implement

the Company's projects, including the release of the next part of the

game _quot;Lords of the Fallen_quot; (working name of the project _quot;Project

3_quot;). For this reason, the Company's Management Board decided not to

obtain financing by increasing the Company's share capital and decided

not to implement the Issue Resolution.

Disclaimer: This English language translation may contain certain

discrepancies. In case of any differences between the Polish and the

English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.

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Data publikacji 18.09.2024, 21:45
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