
Fighting sepsis to save 800,000 lives each year

12.09.2013, 12:45aktualizacja: 12.09.2013, 12:45

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Second World Sepsis Day on 13 September with high participation around the world

Berlin, 11 September 2013 With over 100 events in more than 40 countries on every continent, the response to this year's World Sepsis Day (WSD) is even greater than last year's. Global Sepsis Alliance and WSD 2013 supporters in every country have one message: by implementing the guidelines for the prevention and management of sepsis, the rapid increase in the number of sepsis cases can be slowed and sepsis mortality rates reduced by 20% worldwide. Sepsis is an emergency. Patients showing early symptoms require immediate diagnosis and treatment, e.g. the administration of antibiotics, within the first hour.

Effective prevention, early detection, and prompt treatment measures are not yet being implemented consistently, thus contributing to a 7% to 8% annual increase in the number of sepsis cases and mortality rates of 30% 40% in industrialized countries. Each year, that amounts to around 25m sepsis cases, 8m deaths, an enormous economic burden, and a tragic human toll.

World Sepsis Day is supported by more than 2,200 hospitals, 180 national and international associations, and numerous non-profit organizations, all united by one goal: to save 800,000 lives each year by 2020. The means: reduce the number of sepsis cases by 20% and mortality rates by 10% by implementing sepsis guidelines.


Sepsis is the most severe reaction to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. Its primary causes are pneumonia, abdominal or urinary tract infections, and wound infections following surgery. The body's inflammatory reaction to a pathogen spirals out of control, resulting in damage by the body's own immune system to tissues and organs. If sepsis is not detected and treated immediately, it can lead to shock, multiple organ failure, and death.

More information:


Head office of the Global Sepsis Alliance

for World Sepsis Day

Center for Sepsis Control and Care

Prof. Konrad Reinhart

Erlanger Allee 101

07747 Jena





Press queries to:

Anette Lejeune

Phone: +49-30-84370831

Fax: +49-30-84370341

Bplus - PR

Mühlenstr. 38

14167 Berlin



Source: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 12.09.2013, 12:45
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