
Zlecone: Nordea joins BankID

14.01.2011, 13:18aktualizacja: 14.01.2011, 13:18

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Nordea has decided to join the BankID electronic identification infrastructure. In 2012, Nordea will start to issue BankID and at the same time stop issuing the current Nordea electronic identifications.

The BankID infrastructure includes nine Swedish banks, all of them issuing BankID electronic identifications. The majority of these banks also use BankID for electronic identification and signing at their Internet banks. With Nordea issuing BankID, a total of seven million Swedish citizens potentially will be able to use BankID.

BankID as of today is widely used by banks, companies and authorities for electronic identification and obtaining legally valid electronic signatures from individuals over the Internet. At present there are 3.8 million active users of electronic identifications in Sweden, as well as a 1 000 services. With current growth a total of 4.5 million is anticipated by the end of 2011.

- Nordea has long experience in issuing and managing electronic identifications, with this knowledge Nordea can highly contribute to the further development of BankID. When it comes to companies and authorities, the integration of new electronic services will be made easier in the future, due to the fact that we are heading towards a common standard. There will be fewer solutions to manage and maintain, says Johan Eriksson, CEO, Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB.

- We have cooperated with BankID for several years, and now we have decided to take the final step towards full integration, says Niclas Westén, Product Manager Electronic Identifications, Nordea. We see a long-term and cost-efficient electronic identification in BankID, and our customers can expect more simplicity and wider range of BankID services, now that we head towards one common and uniform bank standard. We now enter the preparation phase, internally and together with our business partners that are depending on electronic identifications in their services - for Nordea launching BankID.

For further information, please contact:

Mr Niclas Westen

Product Manager Electronic Identites

Nordea Bank AB

+46 8-534 921 57

+46 73-321 52 52



Mr Johan Eriksson

CEO, Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB

+46 8-411 81 50

+46 70-315 59 90



BankID is the leading electronic identification in Sweden, based on the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technical standard. BankID has been developed by a number of large banks for use by members of the public, authorities and companies. The first BankID was issued in 2003. The BankID network includes Danske Bank, Ikano Bank, Lansforsakringar Bank, SEB, Skandiabanken, Sparbanken Oresund, Sparbanken Syd, Handelsbanken, Swedbank and now Nordea. Approximately 2,7 million citizens use BankID in a 1 000 private and public services

Źródło informacji: Thomson Reuters

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Data publikacji 14.01.2011, 13:18
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