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Center for Customer Insight: New Book Launch on ‘Autonomous Driving’ by Professor Dr. Herrmann, Professor Dr. Brenner and Professor Dr. Stadler

02.03.2018, 15:03aktualizacja: 02.03.2018, 15:03

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‘Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution will Change the World’, the first Comprehensive scientific book on self-driving cars is set to launch on March 26, focusing on ‘one of the future’s most pressing topics’.

Self-driving cars are reality. Experts state the first models suitable for mass use will conquer the roads by 2020. ‘Autonomous Driving’ asks how technology affects economy, politics and society.

The book will cover the technical aspects as well as the transformation of society and the economic opportunities emerging from autonomous driving. Expert authors Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Walter Brenner and Prof. Rupert Stadler demonstrate how the architecture of cities will change and which challenges car manufacturers need to face. Prof. Dr. Herrman states that, ‘each aspect of our lives will be fundamentally altered by self-driving cars’.

Review copies will be distributed upon request, and Prof. Dr. Herrmann is available for interviews. Please contact Ms. Julia Wegner for details.

Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images (

Prof. Dr. Andreas Herrmann is Director of the Center for Customer Insight at the University of St. Gallen. He has consulted Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank, Roche, Porsche, RWE, Credit Suisse and others. Prof. Herrmann has published 15 books and more than 250 articles.

Prof. Dr. Walter Brenner is Director of the Institute of Information Management at the University of St. Gallen, focusing on Information Management, Innovation and Mobility. He authored more than 30 books and more than 300 scientific publications.

Prof Rupert Stadler is Chairman of the Board of Management for Audi AG. In November 2012, he was appointed honorary professor for business administration by the University of St. Gallen.


Jung von Matt/Limmat AG

Julia Wegner

phone: +41-44-254-66-79


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Data publikacji 02.03.2018, 15:03
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