
Zlecone: Press Conference Invitation: Publication of the "World Ocean Review"

09.11.2010, 10:18aktualizacja: 09.11.2010, 10:18

Pobierz materiał i Publikuj za darmo

The non-profit company maribus gGmbH was established two years ago with the aim of raising the public's awareness of the interconnectedness of the marine environment, thus contributing to more effective protection of the world's oceans.

The partners who have made such a vital contribution to the production of maribus's first publication, the "World Ocean Review" ("WOR"), have many years of commitment and expertise in studying the seas at the highest scientific level.

They are:

- the International Ocean Institute (IOI), founded by Professor Elisabeth Mann-Borgese in 1972,

- the Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean" – a research group supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and made up of more than 250 scientists from a variety of disciplines,

- and "mare" – the German-language magazine which focuses on the topic of the sea.

The result is a comprehensive, detailed and unique report about the state of the world's oceans and their interplay with ecological, economic and sociopolitical conditions.

We are delighted to invite you to attend a press conference and discussion to launch the "World Ocean Review", which will take place at:

Hauptzollamt Hafen Hamburg (former customs building of Hamburg port)

Alter Wandrahm 20

20457 Hamburg

on 18 November 2010 at 10 a.m.

The theme of the event will be: "Living with the Oceans".


- Nikolaus Gelpke, mareverlag publisher

- Professor Martin Visbeck, Chairman, Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean"

- Paul F. Nemitz, Head of Unit, Maritime Policy Development and Coordination, European Commission

- Hannes Jaenicke, actor, activist and author.

The discussion will be chaired by Gerald Traufetter ("Der Spiegel").

After the discussion, there will be an opportunity for you to talk to the panellists in person. Light refreshments will be served.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to the event.

RSVP please by 12 November 2010:


Stephanie Haack

maribus gGmbH

Pickhuben 2

20457 Hamburg

tel. +49-40-3680-7622

fax +49-40-3698-5999


Źródło informacji: APA-OTS

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Data publikacji 09.11.2010, 10:18
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