
Zlecone: Wealthibility - A New Philosophy of Wealth and Responsibility

15.09.2011, 11:50aktualizacja: 15.09.2011, 11:50

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Against the backdrop of international crises and global financial disasters the German sociologist and wealth researcher Prof. Thomas Druyen has developed a new concept of responsibility. For many years he has researched the circumstances of the world’s 12 million millionaires and 1,300 billionaires at the Institute for Sciences of Ethical Wealth and Wealth Psychology at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna, the only institute of its kind in Europe. The monetary wealth belonging to the rich and super-rich amounts to almost half the volume of annual global trade. Given the scale of this wealth, this group has an existential responsibility for shaping the future of us all. While politicians and international bodies haphazardly and egotistically play catch-up with the challenges of the present, political systems all over the world are crumbling; a trend that even affects the democracies. Populations feel betrayed and ignored, young people all over the world are rebelling. Financial markets and the real economy are drifting further and further apart, and the great game now just revolves around debts and speculation. Even in the face of escalating problems, those in power refuse to admit the chaos they themselves have caused. Unless we radically change the way we try to solve problems, we will be heading toward disaster on an unprecedented scale.

Which social group and which multi-cultural strategies are capable of restoring the world order that has been lost. In this situation, the philanthropic donations of the billionaires are only a drop in the ocean. Those who possess exorbitant wealth should put extreme pressure on policymakers to drive fundamental change. Large foundations not only have a duty to give humanitarian aid, they must also contribute to shrinking the gap between wealth and poverty to a more humane level.

In his groundbreaking book Thomas Druyen offers an outstandingly innovative logic that builds a new bridge between the spirit and money. This concept is called "wealthibility" and provides food for thought and stimulus for policymakers, business, society and science alike.



Institute for Sciences of Ethical Wealth and Wealth Psychology at Sigmund Freud University Vienna

Dr. Sebastian Bohrn Mena

tel. +43 660 8383 247


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Data publikacji 15.09.2011, 11:50
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