
IAPH World Ports Conference in Hamburg shows: The port of the future is smart and inspired by other industries like aviation

08.06.2015, 16:13aktualizacja: 08.06.2015, 16:13

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More than 900 guests spend the first week of June in Hamburg to discuss the future of international ports. There are only few places where the various actors in logistics meet at such close quarters as in ports. Maritime shipping, rail and road must be linked in a logistics hub that is as efficient as possible. For instance impulses came from the world of air transport. "Only smart ports will be able to meet the growing demands for efficiency, economy, safety and environmental compatibility", says Bernd Appel, Managing Director of Lufthansa Industry Solutions.

The Port of Hamburg is one of the most modern and efficient ports in the world and already today a showroom for the “Port of the Future” and “Industry 4.0”:

"smartPORT is more than just a word - it is a long-term strategy involving firm projects. We aimed with the conference, not just to display visions to our visitors, but to present specific projects", said Jens Meier, Chairman of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Management Board.

CISCO and T-Systems launched in cooperation with HPA, Europe’s first smartRoad in the Port of Hamburg, using Internet-of-Everything technology. NXP Semiconductors inducted an intelligent traffic light, to avoid traffic jams in the port. Short before the conference opening, Becker Marine System’s LNG Barge supplied for the first time low-emission power for a cruise ship.

Along with intelligent solutions for port traffic and freight flows, other topics of discussions and debates included the compatibility of the environment and the port business, legal questions related to the port industry, opportunities for and/or derived from the cruise sector, and Clean-Air.

Weitere Informationen:


Hamburg Marketing

Matthias Beer

tel. +49-40-30051-582


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Data publikacji 08.06.2015, 16:13
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